Anaklia - is a famous seaside resort in western Georgia

Anaklia is a small resort village on the Black Sea coast, located in western Georgia. It is located near the mouth of the Inguri River and is connected to the village of Ganmukhuri by a 540-meter bridge.
The modern name of the place is derived from the ancient Colchian colony of Herakleia. It played an important trading role in the Pontic (Black Sea) region. With the decline of the Hellenistic era came the decline of Herakleia. Transformed into Anaklia, in the 15-18th centuries it was a fortified port of the ancient principality of Mingrelia, and in 1723 it became a commercial port of the Ottoman Empire. In 1770 the port was recaptured and became part of Imeretia.
The main attraction of Anaklia is the ruined fortress of the early 18th century. Today the place where the local population was taken as slaves to the Ottoman Empire is occupied by an Orthodox church.
Modern Anaklia is a colorful resort with a dry climate, good hotels, neat roads, European architecture (Spanish architect Alberto), framed subtropical forests and soft sandy beaches, unaccustomed to the Georgian Black Sea coast.
Every summer, young people from all over the world gather in Anaclia for an electronic music festival. Also one of the attractions of Anaklia is a water park. The width of the city beaches is up to 80 m and their total length is 5 km. By the way, the beaches of Anaklia have an interesting feature: the beaches on the left bank, near the hotels are sandy and on the right, near the entertainment complexes, the beaches are pebbly.
This is a great place for summer holidays. The beaches offer traditional activities: bananas, aqua-bikes, kitesurfing, yachting or boating.
Anaklia Aquapark, by far the largest on the entire Black Sea coast of Georgia. There are beautiful clean pools, waterfalls, jacuzzis, a lot of attractions for adults and children.
Here you can play table tennis and basketball, as well as diving, rafting and base-jumping. Here, peace and tranquility are combined with partying. In the evenings, the streets fill with life, the bars and discos open, and the casinos and clubs stay open.